Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

Can you explain what grounding is and how it can benefit us?

Grounding is a tool that can assist you in allowing and then holding the presence of Source within your energy field, particularly your physical form.

Before we go any further, could you explain why you use the term “Source?”

Source or Source energy is a term commonly used to refer to the Creative Force of the Universe, of which we are all a part. There are many terms that human persons use to describe this Creative Force – God, Goddess, All That Is, the Universe, Creator, Supreme Being, Everlasting Father, Divine Mother, I Am That I Am, Universal Consciousness, Unconditional Love, Almighty Spirit. This is only a small sample of the thousands of names that have been used during Earth’s evolution to refer to the universal force that binds all things together. We use the word “Source” most often because we know that this is the term that you yourself prefer.

Yes, that’s true. OK. So, let’s get back to grounding. Before we get into the method or methods of grounding the presence of Source in our energy fields, could you first explain why, if we are all a part of Source, why we would need to ground its energy in our human forms?

While all human persons are a part of Source energy and are never disconnected from it, the degree to which that energy is present within your physical form and your consciousness can vary. You can realize this yourself by simply monitoring those times during the day when you feel awake and present in the moment and those times when you are lost within your own thoughts. Grounding can help you to allow more of Source’s energy into the present moment. Once this energy is grounded within your physical form, it will raise your personal vibration and in turn assist you in remembering who you really are. Since you are composed of Source energy, it only makes sense that grounding this energy within your physical form helps you in seeing the physical world through the eyes of Source.

Can you give us an example of how we can ground Source energy?

We can do this, but we thought it might be more interesting for our readers if you were to give them an idea of the grounding method that you use.

Oh, so you want me to explain it?

Yes, indeed.

I think I can do that.

Any time you are ready.

OK. Let me start by saying that I generally ground in the mornings before I meditate, but grounding can also help any time you are feeling anxious or unsettled about something. Grounding helps to calm you down and bring your awareness back into the present moment. I generally start in what many refer to as a meditative position, sitting with my legs crossed and my back supported and my eyes closed. It doesn’t really matter where you sit, you can even lie down if that is easier for you and you are not afraid of falling asleep, just as long as you are relaxed and comfortable and feel supported. Then, I take a few, deep cleansing breaths and do my best to clear my mind. At this point, I set my intention – very important – to ground the light of Source into my physical form. Once I do that, I imagine a column of white light above my head. A clear, bright, white light. It helps if I can connect to the feeling of the light, which should be calm and peaceful and loving. I visualize the light entering my body through the top of my head and moving down my spine. Sometimes I see it spread throughout my body, moving through my entire torso and down into my arms, legs and feet. It is important to feel the light as best you can. Feel the unconditional love that flows in and around the light and allow it to permeate your entire being, down to the smallest cells of your body. Then, I focus on the area at the bottom of my spine and I visualize the light travelling down, down, down to the crystalline core of the Earth. In fact, I repeat the words “down, down, down” until I sense the light has reached the Earth’s core and taken hold. At this point, I take a moment and affirm for myself that the light of Source, using the Earth’s core as an anchor, has grounded itself in my body.

Is there anything else that you do?

After I have grounded the light, I sometimes pull the energy of the Earth’s core back up to me and then hold that energy within my physical form. Then, I will send this light upward to capture some of the sun’s energy and then bring that light back down to my body as well. That is not a necessary step. I do it because it feels good to have the light energy of Source, the Earth and the sun all grounded within my body at the same time. If I’m feeling particularly ambitious, I will send this combined light energy out into the world. It’s best to do this by degrees, starting with your room, then your home, your neighborhood, your city, your state, your country and then the entire world. This additional step helps to reinforce the idea that the loving energy of Source touches every living thing and binds us all together.

Thank you for that. We would also encourage those who begin to practice grounding that you allow yourself some flexibility with your approach. Grounding, like all spiritual practice, benefits from the personal touch. So, experiment with your process. Allow it to grow and change according to your personal needs. The most important thing is to allow the light in and then to hold the presence of LOVE within your form. After a while, you will notice some changes in your own awareness. If you can ground on a consistent basis, you will find yourself calmer, more focused and more present in each and every moment. It will aid you in increasing your mindfulness throughout your day and help you to maintain a loving perspective on all that you experience.

OK. I think that does it for today.

Until next time then.

Thank you all.



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