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Yes, we are here.

I thought it might be nice as a change of pace, instead of doing an entire post on one subject as we normally do, that today we might do a question-and-answer session covering various topics. In an effort to keep our posts at a reasonable length, there is often not enough space to fully cover a particular topic. We also receive requests from our readers to clarify and further explore certain ideas. A question-and-answer session will give us the opportunity to do just that.

We like this idea. What is our first question?

Question #1: There are some who believe that the ego is the enemy, the enemy inside, working against us every step of the way, thwarting our good intentions and bringing us nothing but unwanted drama and pain. Is that how you would characterize the ego?

Answer #1: No, we would not, although we honor any effort that increases your awareness of the ego’s existence. How each individual chooses to characterize their own ego structure is completely up to them. We suggest, however, that you avoid taking any type of combative stance against the ego, as this type of position can often energize the ego rather than dilute its power. Remember – what you resist, persists. And remember, too – the ego, believe it or not, is an essential part of the journey you are on. In essence, the ego represents what you are NOT. And on the journey towards understanding and remembering who you really are, this contrast is essential.

Question #2: If you had to pick one thing for us to focus on as we journey towards remembering, what might that be?

Answer #2: Feeling good. That is the most important piece of advice that we could give to any human person. So, look for things in your life that make you feel good, circumstances that make you feel good, people that make you feel good. As we have said many times before, the purpose of your existence as an incarnated being is to remember who you really are. The best way to remember who you really are is to open your channel and draw in the energy of Source. And the best way to open your channel and draw in the energy of Source is to look for things, events and people in your life that make you feel good.

Question #3: How is it that two people in the very same situation can have completely different experiences?

Answer #3: Choice. What you experience in life is all based on personal choice. Some of your choices are made after you have incarnated. Others are made before you come. These choices are based in large part on what you desire and the beliefs you hold. Different people have different desires and different belief systems. So even two individuals in exactly the same situation may very well have completely different experiences depending on how their personal desires and beliefs differ.

Question #4: Do spirit guides have the power to stop something that they think will adversely affect the individuals they guide?

Question #4: As we have said before, there is no stopping or un-creating experience. There is only creating. That said, no one, not even a spirit guide, has the ability to create something within the field of another being, even something that may be good for them, without their permission. The only way one being can influence another is if the influence is allowed. A spirit guide can suggest a path that might be beneficial, or a friend might give advice that will assist, but otherwise, each being creates for themselves their own experiences.

Question #5: Is it ever possible to completely disconnect from Source energy?

Answer #5: No. You are Source energy, so that would mean disconnecting from yourself, which is impossible. It is true that when you leave your physical form and shift your focus back to Source, the connection between your body and Source is ended. But your true self, your higher self, is ALWAYS connected to Source. It is possible to FEEL disconnected from Source energy while you are incarnated in physical form, but that feeling only arises when your channel to Source energy is somehow pinched or partly closed off by resistance. The ideal state for a being who is incarnated in physical form is one of complete openness to Source energy.

Question #6: Is it possible that even though we seem to spend a lot of our time worrying about one thing or another, that everything is actually OK and all right?

Answer #6: Indeed. While we understand that this idea may be difficult for you to accept given your experiences as a human person, believe it or not, everyone and everything is ALWAYS perfectly OK and all right. Granted, humans experience a great deal of conflict and turmoil and drama during the course of their time on the Earth plane, but that is all a part of the work that you have come to do. From a higher perspective, from the perspective of Source, you are always fine, you are always OK, nothing can really harm you, you are always protected and you are always who you have always been, which is a high-vibrational being of unconditional love and light. That is who you are and nothing that you experience on the physical plane can ever change that, except to make you more of what you already are.

Question #7: Why do we often feel so dissatisfied with our jobs, with the work that we do?

Answer #7: Most humans still choose their occupations based on the amount of compensation that they receive and the security that the compensation provides. We are not against your earning money for the work that you do, but eventually you will all reach a point where the money, the compensation, will be secondary to the pleasure you receive from doing something that you love. That is a challenge that still remains for most humans, allowing yourself the freedom to choose work that you enjoy regardless of the external rewards you receive.

That’s it for now. This has been a lot of fun. I would like to do more of these in the future.

It has been enjoyable for us as well. Until next time.

Thank you all.



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