Are you there?
Yes, we are here.
Time again for another Q&A. Shall we jump right in?
Yes, indeed. Let us jump. What is our first question?
Question #1: How can we deal better with our emotional triggers so we can keep our fear, our resistance, to a minimum?
Answer #1: Your most effective tool in dealing with an impulse or inclination towards negativity is awareness. Even before you make an attempt to stop and “fix” a situation, your first step should always be to open your consciousness and observe whatever it is that is occurring within your energy field and allow it to just be. “What am I thinking and what am I feeling right now?” Given the overwhelming number of thoughts that run through your mind on a daily basis, it is generally easier to start with the emotion and then find your way back to the thought that has triggered it. Regardless of whether your emotional response SEEMS to be triggered by someone or something or even another emotion, the trigger is invariably a thought, often unconscious and usually judgmental, about what you are experiencing in the moment. When a thought triggers a low-vibrational response like anger and you are unaware of what you are thinking, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to stop the momentum and regain your emotional balance in the moment, especially if the triggering thought ignites a habitual response so quickly that you are not even conscious of where it came from or how it started. “What just happened?” you ask yourself, as if you have no idea of how or why you responded as you did. This is why awareness is so important and why we often recommend that all of you pay very close attention to what you are thinking and what you are feeling BEFORE you are triggered. By monitoring your feelings and then connecting them back to the triggering thought, in time you will discover your most common triggers. At first, your awareness might seem ineffectual – “I’m paying attention, I swear, but I keep getting triggered!” Be patient with this process because it may take some time to release your old triggers. Most, if not all, of your triggered emotional responses are conditioned, and as such, are less likely to change without sustained, concerted effort. The more you allow yourself to be aware of what sets you off, the more confidence you will have in detaching yourself from your triggers and making choices that better serve you.
Question #2: This is sort of a follow-up question to the one above, but once we’ve become aware of our emotional triggers, is there a way to use them to help ourselves to become more consistently aligned with Source energy?
Answer #2: Indeed. Contrary to what you might think, your emotional triggers can be a very effective transformational tool when repurposed, so to speak, as a signal to shift your perspective from who you THINK you are to who you REALLY are. How can this be accomplished? All challenges that you face on the Earth plane – physical, mental, emotional – are designed ultimately to lead you back to a place of remembrance. The advantage of using your emotional triggers to facilitate this shift lies in the fact that once you begin to make the connection between what you are feeling and what you are thinking, these triggers begin to stand out more and more. As you become familiar with them, and are able to identify them more readily, they become less automatic, enabling you to make use of them rather than denying or repressing them. Do you see? By first accepting your triggers for what they are and allowing them to be, you give yourself permission to fully observe a triggered emotion like anger without acting it out, and, in the process, you are able to open your conscious mind to the possibility of experiencing its opposite – peace, calm, tranquility – emotions that are more closely aligned with who you really are, with the energy of Source. In other words, increasing your awareness of your emotional triggers ultimately increases your ability to shift your focus, your perspective, your alignment, back to who you really are. But you must be mentally vigilant and grounded in the present for this approach to be effective. “I can feel myself becoming angry in this moment. Rather than act out this anger, I will use it as an alert, a signal, to stop, take a breath and remind myself that I am not my anger, but rather a being of loving, light-filled consciousness.” With some focused effort on your part, the use of this type of affirmation will eventually weaken the vibrational power of your triggers and help to bring you back into alignment with your true self.
Question #3: As humans, we often sit around waiting for someone or something to rescue us from difficult or challenging circumstances. Could you talk a little about that?
Answer #3: To begin with, there is nothing from which you need to be rescued. Nothing whatsoever. You, all of you, are enormously creative beings, capable of manifesting any circumstance, any situation, any relationship, in short, anything that you desire, including a resolution to whatever issue or “problem” you are currently undergoing. That said, the overwhelming majority of human persons do not yet remember who they are, do not yet believe in their ability to create their own experiences, and so when life events of a difficult or challenging nature emerge, many humans tend to look outside of themselves for the solution, for something or someone to make things right, to fix the “problem” and alleviate any suffering they may be experiencing. Some may even have been taught from an early age to look for outside help as a matter of course, that eventually, if you are a good person and do everything that you are supposed to do, that a certain special someone will eventually come along and bring you all that you long for, a “knight in shining armor” so to speak, someone who will care for you and see that no harm ever comes to you, forever and ever and ever. While we make no judgment about whether or not the hopeful expectation of such a one serves you well or ill, we can say that this type of thinking – waiting for someone to rescue you from life’s challenges – is one that generally stems from little or no confidence in one’s own personal power. It is a belief that is generally formed during the time of youth and as such is a part of old programming, part of an embedded pattern of thought. What we would like to see for anyone who clings to this type of fantasy as a way of coping with life is that you release this old belief into the light of All That Is and affirm for yourself the idea that you are your own knight in shining armor, one with enough vital and vigorous personal energy and power to weather any storm, meet any challenge, on your own, relying upon your own strong, independent spirit. We realize that for some this will be a challenging undertaking, but understanding your own personal power and putting it to use is a choice that will ALWAYS serve you.
Question #4: I have a friend who is wary of taking drugs to treat a medical condition, preferring to seek a more natural healing approach, but she still has doubts. Can you give her some advice on this matter?
Answer #4: As we said to you once before in our conversations on the nature of pain and illness, with regard to treatment modalities, it is important to bear in mind that healing can only come through the highest level of your belief system, through the vibrational level you currently hold with regard to your own health, wherever that might lie. If your friend has doubts about the effectiveness of a natural course of healing, and yet is reluctant to rely exclusively upon drugs, it more than likely means that her belief system with regards to treatment is in a state of flux, with neither approach gaining her complete confidence. In an instance such as this, we might suggest that her choice of treatment need not be exclusive, that sometimes the preferred choice is one that combines the best of both alternative and traditional regimens. Before making any decision, however, we would first recommend that your friend spend some time in dialogue with her physical form. As we have said previously, it is the physical form that most directly experiences pain or illness, so it is in the best position to help anyone, your friend included, to understand how to alleviate any unwanted conditions. If your friend remains in close contact with her physical form and continues to stay open to whatever information she may receive, the best treatment option will make itself known to her.
Question #5: How can I tell if the action I am currently taking is moving me closer to alignment with Source energy or further away?
Answer #5: By the way that you feel. Always by the way that you feel. We have been over this idea with you before on many occasions, but it is one that is fundamental to the purpose of your journey on the physical plane and, as such, bears repeating. The strength of your alignment with Source energy is always indicated by how you are feeling. In simple terms, when you are feeling good, you are aligned. When you are not feeling good, you are not as aligned as you could be. All emotions, both positive and negative, function as a type of guidance system, letting you know where you stand, so to speak, in relation to your alignment with Source. For example, when you are engaged in a thought or an action that triggers fear, in whatever form, your connection to Source is subsequently pinched off, leading to an increase in like-minded, low-frequency emotions like anger, jealousy, loneliness, despair. The presence of these emotions is a clear indication that you are not in complete alignment with the energy of Source. At the same time, if you were to engage in a thought or an action that triggers love or joy or peace or compassion, it would be a clear indication that you ARE in alignment with the energy of Source. As you can see, it is actually very simple and straight-forward, this emotional guidance system. Indeed, this question – “Based on how I am feeling in this moment, is the action I am currently taking moving me closer to alignment with Source energy or further away?” – is one that you might ask yourself as you move throughout your day, especially on those occasions when you are unsure as to the value of a particular thought or action. Your emotions, your feelings, will always let you know whether a thought or an action will serve you well or whether it is best reconsidered.
I think we’ll stop there for now. This has been another enjoyable Q&A session.
We agree. Until next time then.