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Author: Richard Hart



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

Today, I would like to talk about the idea of co-creation. I don’t believe we’ve ever tackled this subject directly before, so I thought this might be a good time to explore it.

An excellent topic of conversation. Where would you like to begin?

Well, I’ve been hearing this term – “co-creation” – almost as long as I have been doing this type of transformational spiritual work. It’s a favorite idea of our friends Abraham and one that they bring up often in their seminars with Esther Hicks. While I have a general understanding of what it means, I was hoping that all of you could expand on this idea of co-creation a bit more and help us to understand just how it works in our lives. I think any clarification of the way in which we create our life experiences would be most helpful for all of us.

We would be more than happy to supply whatever clarification we can on this most important topic. Let us start by saying that it is not unusual for most humans to spend very little time reflecting upon the idea of co-creation, as most human persons believe themselves to be alone in the Universe, except perhaps for their human friends and relations, and in this regard, are ignorant to a large degree as to how their life experiences could be co-created or manifested with assistance from anyone or anything outside of themselves, except for perhaps the forces of luck or fate or the fickle hand of a distant God. Indeed, most human persons are still in such a deep place of forgetfulness that they still live their lives from day to day with only the most rudimentary awareness that they are, in fact, the creators of their own experience.

So, what exactly is co-creation then?

As we have said to you many times before, all of the events that you experience in your life, all of the individuals that you come in contact with and build relationships with, all of the thoughts and feelings that arise from within your energy systems, all of the material goods that you accumulate, in short, everything upon the physical plane that comes within the scope of your experience – good, bad or indifferent – is created by you. This we have said to you on many, many occasions, but it is a concept that is worth repeating, as it is still a very difficult concept for most human persons to acknowledge and accept. You, ALL OF YOU, are creators. That is your nature, your essence, the truth of who you really are. Each lifetime that you choose to spend abiding within the physical realm is created by you, shaped by you, LIVED by you. That is why you are here. To create. To create. To create the life you live.

Understood. We create our lives. We create our experiences. But what about co-creation? How does that work? Is it different from simply creating something for ourselves by ourselves?

You are never simply creating something for yourselves by yourselves. All of creation is a co-creation. It is the act of manifesting experience in partnership with the Universe, with Source energy, with All That Is. When the term “co-creation” is used by anyone, including our friends Abraham, it is meant to point your awareness in the direction of the truth of how the Universe functions, how it unfolds, how it creates. That all creation, including all of the experiences that you yourself encounter on the physical plane, are acts of co-creation, involving all of the elements of the Universe.

How does that work exactly?

It happens naturally, as an inherent function of all that exists. Every being is a part of the whole and the whole at the same time. There is no separation at all anywhere in the Universe, even upon the Earth plane, regardless of the fact that your physical forms seem to indicate otherwise. And yet, each individual being, abiding in any part of the Universe, every single element, from Source energy itself down to the smallest atom, the smallest molecule, the smallest entity, will have its own preferences, its own impulses, its own desires. When these preferences, these impulses, these desires build and gather momentum, the entire creative force of the Universe is engaged to assist in bringing your desire into a manifested state. Everyone, everything, all the energy of the Universe hops on board, so to speak, and aligns with the individual’s intention to create whatever it is that they wish to create. The individual and the whole are then working together to create. You send forth the desire and the Universe answers in kind with all of the mechanics of manifestation that you require. That is co-creation. That is you and the Universe creating together. This is why we say that you are never simply creating something for yourselves by yourselves.

In other words, all creation is co-creation.


So, when I work to manifest something in my life, whether it’s an event or a relationship or more abundance or greater peace of mind or whatever it is, when it manifests, it always manifests as a co-creation, created with the equal participation, assistance and support of the Universe.

Even when your desire has not manifested, even when your desire is still in its infancy, still a seed waiting to be nurtured, to grow and blossom into physical form, even then, the Universe is your partner, at all stages of creation. As we have said, there is no separation, none of any kind. Your innermost desires are the desires of the Universe, your creative abilities are the creative abilities of Source, your manifestations are the manifestations of All That Is.

That’s actually a really great idea to incorporate into our thinking about how and what we manifest on the physical plane. We’re never alone in what we create. The power, the force behind the creation, the manifestation, is the same force and power that fuels the Universe, that fuels ALL that’s created everywhere by every being.


But what about the ego?

What ABOUT the ego?

When I first started doing this type of transformational work, one of the things I remember hearing a lot was that we needed to keep our desires in line with the will and desires of the Universe. Any departure from that and our desires would not manifest. This was a way of saying that we should not allow the sometimes distorted desires of the ego, desires that spring from fears that focus on what we lack, to cloud our vision of what will truly serve us and bring us lasting joy and happiness. That all desire needed to be aligned with Source for it to manifest, and that our impulse to create needed to come from a place of presence within us rather than from the ego.  

You are not your ego. Is this not true?

Yes, that’s true.

While it is possible for you to manifest what you desire from the point of view of the human ego, generally this is not the best approach to take when it comes to the act of creating. This type of ego-based creating, while it may at times achieve the desired result, you will soon discover for yourself that whatever satisfaction you receive, if any, whatever joy or happiness you experience initially, it is almost certain to be short-lived. This is because the ego is not you. It is only interested in its own inertia, in staying put, so to speak. As we have said, the ego is the depository of all of your fears and anxieties and worries. It is a collection of belief systems that cluster together around ideas such as lack and judgement and envy and resentment, low vibrational thought-bodies that seek only your continued insecurity, your continued disconnection from Source. Do you see the conundrum? If all creation is co-creation with the energy of Source and your ego’s main function is to do all and everything that it can to thwart your connection to that energy, to pinch it off, to hold it at bay, because that very connection threatens its very existence, then it only makes sense that any attempt at creating for yourself using the tools of the ego will most likely fail. Do you not agree?

Yes, of course. That all makes sense. What I like about this idea of co-creation is that it helps us humans beings in several ways: it allows us to recognize that we’re in partnership with a power that’s greater than ourselves, greater than our human selves, which in turn affirms for us the belief that we’re not alone; it also strengthens our connection to Source, for if all creation is a co-creation with Source, then it follows that we’re aligned with Source energy and can easily access that same energy because it’s an inherent part of ourselves; and it gives us the freedom to call upon Source whenever we’re in the process of creating or manifesting what we desire, not as some variation on the outdated notion of a cold and aloof God sitting up on a cloud deciding whether or not we’re worthy of assistance, but as a real, living, thriving, pulsating force of creative power here to create WITH us, and that’s a truly wonderful idea!

Indeed. And that is why all creative efforts should originate from within your own conscious presence rather than from the ego. You are, after all, pure consciousness. You are not your ego, you are not your body, you are not to be identified in any way by what exists externally. You are pure, loving consciousness. That is your beingness. Your true nature. So, in the act of co-creation, it will always serve you best to center yourself within this consciousness first, do what you can to focus your attention upon your inner self, your inner being. That is where the present moment abides, and that is where you access your own personal power, the power that joins with the Universe to assist you co-creating what you desire.

How do we find this inner consciousness, this inner being? How do we connect to it?

The most efficient tool for accessing your inner self is meditation. We have recommended this approach to you and our readers on a number of occasions and we do so again when speaking of the process of manifestation. Use meditation to quiet the chatter of the ego and then focus your attention on the silence that arises from within. It is from this silence, what some call the quantum field of all possibilities, that desire manifests. With practice, meditation will facilitate your efforts to ground and center yourself in this presence, thereby allowing you to create, to co-create, from a place of presence rather than from a place of ego. That is your goal, in effect, what we refer to when we stress the importance of remembering why you have come. This is why. To remember who you really are by transcending the human ego and connecting with the power that lives within you, and in the process, doing your part to grow and expand the Universe.

It’s been a pleasure learning about the process of co-creation. I think we’ll stop there for today.

It has been a pleasure for us as well. We look forward to our next conversation.

Thank you all.