Are you there?
Yes, we are here.
Today, I would like to do another Q&A. It’s been a while since we’ve done one and I always enjoy them.
As do we. What is our first question?
Question #1: Is it good idea to set firm intentions at the beginning of your day or is it better to just let the day unfold as it will?
Answer #1: Both. How is that possible, you may ask? Setting a firm intention on how you wish your day to proceed – what kinds of events you would prefer to experience, which kinds of feelings you would like evoke – fixing this type of condition on your day would seem to run counter to the idea of a free and flexible flow of experiences, would it not? And yet, this is not necessarily the case. Sending forth to the Universe a conscious vibrational request for those events that you wish to experience is always a good idea. It strengthens your relationship with the Universe and in turn, reinforces the truth about who you really are – a conscious creator of your own experience. Not only will your practice in setting intentions help to build confidence in your manifesting skills, it can also be a great deal of fun. At the same time, if you hold too firmly to your intentions for the day with the purpose of excluding all types of experience that lie apart from your stated desire, you limit the manner and form of experience that the Universe can provide, and even run the risk of unconsciously placing your attention on experiences that you do NOT want. This is why we always recommend a certain flexibility of mind when it comes to setting your daily intentions. Send forth your request to the Universe, yes, but do not keep a firm grip on the way in which your requests will manifest. Allow for a certain freedom on the part of All That Is to provide you with the ESSENCE of your intentioned request, which may or may not adhere strictly to the physical parameters you have set and which may actually surprise and delight you with unexpected moments of joy. So, ask for that which you desire, then let it go and let it flow, trusting that the Universe will always match the vibration of that which you desire.
Question #2: Sometimes there is so much going on with me and the world around me that I have difficulty in deciding what I should be focused on that will best serve the process of awakening.
Answer #2: We informed you at the start of our work together that it did not matter which topic you chose to discuss with us, as all topics were fundamentally related to the same issue, that of remembering who you really are and why you have come to the physical plane. The same holds true for any life issue that draws your attention and challenges you for one reason or another. If you are focused on how to deal with pain and illness in your physical form, or the way in which you identify yourself in the world, or the advantages of cultivating gratitude and appreciation, or any of the more than 100 topics we have broached over the last two years, on the most basic level, it makes no difference what you ultimately choose to focus on, for it all boils down, so to speak, to the same issue – the process of remembering. Our advice to you, then, when you are in the throes of deciding upon which topic you wish to place your attention, is to take a moment to consciously focus on your breath, which will allow you to bring yourself more readily into the present moment, and to then survey your inner feelings and select an area of your life that seems to be most in need of your care and attention. What are you thinking about that causes you worry or concern? What feels off balance or out of sync? In which area of your life do you most feel the need for assistance? By monitoring your system in this way and making your choice based on your own personal priorities, you guarantee that your mental and emotional energy will be focused on that topic which you yourself find most pertinent, most pressing, most relevant to your growth in the moment.
Question #3: When we spoke earlier about the challenges of maintaining my connection with all of you, I couldn’t help wondering what you would’ve said if I’d told you I wanted to stop the blog completely.
Answer #3: We would have advised you to follow your heart in all matters, including the writing of this blog. We know that your commitment to working with us in this way is strong and unwavering. At the same time, we are also aware that opening to this type of communication comes with its own challenges, and that sometimes, your energies become depleted, which in turn makes it difficult for you to maintain your focus. Our only wish is that if or when you choose to take time away from our work together, that the experience, however it manifests, will serve you well. In truth, this blog is but a form, and from our standpoint, it has less meaning for us in that regard than it has for you. This is not to say that we do not enjoy our conversations together. Indeed, we find great pleasure spending time with you in this way and our preference is for this type of communication to continue. That said, we are not attached to this form, the form of this blog, in the same way you might be. We would not, for example, experience any regret or feelings of loss as perhaps you might do if our transcribed conversations were to cease for one reason or another. From our point of view, there is never any regret, any feeling of loss, when one’s focus shifts from one form to another, or indeed to no form at all. Our message, our guidance, will find its way to you and to others with or without this specific form of communication. If it is not this blog, perhaps our conversations would return to simply a mental communication between us, or perhaps to the form of a written diary or journal of some kind, or perhaps the information we provide would find its way into a play or a novel or, as some have suggested, into a video blog. Wherever or however our guidance is communicated, it will continue in one form or another, this we can guarantee. It cannot be otherwise, for that is the purpose of our existence, the intention of our being, it is who we are. We are here to assist, to guide, to help you and others in remembering who you really are and why you have come, and that will continue regardless of the form that our guidance takes.
Question #4: Could you explain what is meant by the term “snowball effect” when it applies to an emotional response?
Answer #4: The term “snowball effect” refers to an emotional response, sparked by an individual or a situation, that escalates rapidly when fueled by a continuous stream of inciting, provoking thoughts. While the form and intensity of this type of experience may vary depending on the type of emotion that is triggered by your thoughts and the force and momentum that the emotional response carries with it, almost all experiences of this kind have at least one trait in common – a feeling of powerlessness that increases as the shape and force of your emotional reaction grows, or seems to grow, beyond your control. Road rage, so-called, is a fairly common example of this snowball effect, familiar no doubt to anyone who has driven their motor vehicle in or around a congested, urban environment. In the case of road rage, an individual’s anger, set off by, say, an immovable traffic logjam or by another driver’s erratic or inconsiderate behavior, increases proportionately to the perceived inconvenience or infraction and gathers intensity depending on how long the individual chooses to sustain their anger or until a volatile, external manifestation of one sort or another occurs. Often times, an emotional snowball response to one event can actually stem from another that seems completely unrelated. Our readers may recall our conversation with you concerning your malfunctioning trashcan, where your repressed anger over world affairs rose to the surface and began to escalate when your battery-operated trashcan began to open and close automatically on its own. In this case, you were able to curb the momentum of the snowball effect by taking a moment to breathe and calm your emotional energy field, always the best course of action for anyone finding themselves at or near the onset of an emotional snowball. What we would like you understand regarding any type of emotional response, big or small, escalating or not, is that you always have a choice. The response itself is a choice, which means that at any point during the experience, you have the freedom, the ability, the power, to choose again, to step back, take a breath, form a new intention, shift your focus and then simply allow, rather than force, your system to reset. As many of you have discovered, the longer you allow this type of emotional avalanche to proceed, the harder it is to believe that you have any choice at all. This is why it is so important for you to remain in touch with your emotional energy field at all times to avoid a complete “snowball effect” meltdown.
Question #5: Is it really possible to live a life free of worry and concern, because no one I know actually believes that?
Answer #5: Human persons believe all sorts of things, but that does not necessarily make them so. “What do I believe?” That is the question you must ask yourself. “What do I believe about the possibility, not just of living a life free of worry and concern, but about the possibility of ANYTHING occurring within my personal experience?” In one regard, this is what all of our work has been about, has it not? Opening yourself to the possibility that anything and everything that you wish to create can be created and experienced by you. So, when you question whether or not this kind of experience or that kind of experience is possible, look not to others, but to yourself for the answer, for it is your own belief system that will determine whether or not you will allow that event or that person or that feeling into your experience. As for the possibility of a life without worry or concern, yes, indeed, it is certainly conceivable that you or anyone else for that matter could live a life free of worry or concern. That said, bear in mind that worry and concern are a part of the built-in contrast of the physical plane, and as such, present vital and potent challenges for you on your path towards growth and evolution. Without these types of low-vibrational emotions, you would have nothing to work with, nothing to choose from, nothing to ultimately point you in the direction of a life filled with peace, joy and love. So, appreciate them for what they are and how they serve you, and make your choices accordingly.
This has been very stimulating conversation. I always enjoy our Q&A sessions very much.
As do we. Until next time then.
Thank you all.