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Yes, we are here.
Today, I would like to do another Q&A.
We always enjoy our Q&A sessions. What is our first question?
Question #1: Why do we continue to feel powerless in so many of the situations that we find ourselves in on a daily basis?
Answer #1: Because you have lost touch with the creator inside of you. As the result of this forgetting, you have come to believe that everything that affects you and your life originates in the external. As we have said many times before, most human persons continue to look outside of themselves to regulate how they are feeling. They look to circumstances – are they good for me or are they bad? They look to others – does that person like me and approve of what I am doing or not? They look to unseen forces – is God smiling on me or is he or she punishing me? This type of dependence on external circumstance in regulating how you are feeling from moment-to-moment results in giving your personal power away to someone or something other than yourself. That is why most human persons ultimately feel powerless in almost all of their life situations.
Question #2: How can we use love to better handle everyday situations where we feel disrespected?
Answer #2: If you feel that you are being treated poorly in a particular situation, instead of immediately lashing out or feeling sorry for yourself, look upon the experience as an opportunity to shift your perspective. Take the time to say to yourself, “Maybe there is another way I can look at this situation. Maybe I’m being too hard on them, or maybe I’m seeing myself as victim in this situation, or maybe they are taking their cues from me because I’m the one who thinks so little of myself.” Start to take a look at your life and examine what you are thinking about yourself. And then make a conscious choice – “I’m going to tap into love in this moment and see what happens. At the very least, maybe I will start to feel a little bit better about myself and that will start a little avalanche of love. At best, I may actually create another situation for myself in which I am more readily appreciated.”
Question #3: Some of our readers want to know if there is a difference between the words “feelings” and “emotions” and if so, what might that difference might be.
Answer #3: We suggest that you do not get too caught up in the semantic difference between the words “feelings” and “emotions.” We often use them interchangeably because they are related and to a large degree, they function in similar ways within your energy field. If we had to make a distinction, we could say that all emotions are feelings, but not all feelings are necessarily emotions. As we have said before, emotions are your guidance system. They are triggered by your thought processes and are used to gauge your degree of alignment with Source energy. Feelings could refer to a variety of sensations – physical, mental, emotional – that you experience within your energy field, anything from hunger pangs to extrasensory perception. While there may be nuances that separate these two terms from each other, in the end it is your choice as to how you wish to use them to describe our own experience.
Question #4: Why are we sometimes afraid of making a choice about someone or something?
Answer #4: Humans often fear making a conscious choice in a given situation because it means they will have to take responsibility for what they choose. This is something that we discussed many times before, but it bears repeating. All experience is chosen. All experience is deliberately and intentionally created by each and every one of you, regardless of whether it is done consciously or unconsciously. That said, some beings become overwhelmed by the prospect of too many choices and for that reason, cannot decide which is best. Others fear judgement, or disappointment, or that ultimately, they will make what they think is the wrong choice. When you are in a position to make a choice about anything, our suggestion is to lay your fears aside, whatever they may be, and choose. From a higher perspective, there can be no wrong choices, so better to make some choice than to make none at all. In the end, they all lead to the same place – the joyful remembrance of who you really are.
Question #5: We had a question from a reader asking about the effectiveness of using crystals in the healing process.
Answer #5: While it is true that minerals from the earth carry with them specific vibrational properties as part of their general makeup, properties that can assist in clearing trapped or blocked energies from the human energy field that can impact one’s physical, mental and emotional health, their effectiveness – whether in the healing process or simply as a vibrational complement to your everyday life – is, like most things, generally a matter of belief. That is not to say that an individual who does not fully believe in the effectiveness of crystal healing can gain no benefit from their use, simply that the stronger one’s belief in the process, the less resistance there is to the benefits of this type of healing practice.
Question #6: This may seem like a silly question, but at the end of the day, does it really matter who the President of the United States is?
Answer #6: First, there are no silly questions. And second, ideally, no. In terms of your own experience, it does not matter who the President of the United States is, unless, of course, you believe that the choices made by this individual can affect your own experience. An environment where all human persons understand and accept the fact that no one, not even the President, can create anything within another being’s experience unless it is allowed, we realize that this is not the current norm on the physical plane. That is why we used the term “ideally.” Nonetheless, it is worth envisioning a place and time where this type of environment could exist. If or when that time comes, it will be interesting, will it not, to see if the office of the President of the United States still exists, or if the world has evolved into a place that no one has yet imagined.
I’d like to think I could be around at a time when it doesn’t matter who the President is or what he or she does, but I doubt that will happen in my lifetime.
Never say never. Until next time.
Thank you all.