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Month: March 2023



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

In many of our past conversations, and especially in our last discussion on the process of manifestation, you have talked about the importance of releasing old fears and belief systems that are incompatible with the vibrational energy of what we want to create. Today, I would like to explore what all of that means, how these old fears and belief systems that no longer serve us become embedded in the first place and how exactly we go about releasing these energies.

This is an excellent topic for discussion. As we have said before, these old, entrenched energies, commonly known as belief systems, are an integral part of your earthly experiences. They inform your expectations around what you believe you can create for yourself and what you believe you cannot. Let us start, then, with some words about what a belief system is and how one comes into being.

That would be great.

At its core, a belief system is nothing more than a group of like-minded, vibrationally-compatible thoughts that, over time, congregate together within your energy field, sometimes forming very tight and seemingly unbreakable bonds.

So, one example might be, let’s say, fear thoughts around money, like “I’m not smart enough. I’m not good enough. I’m a selfish person. I’m lazy. I’ve done something wrong and I’m being punished for it.” If I understand what you are saying, thoughts like these would carry a similar, low-vibrational frequency and because they do, they are drawn to each other, like magnets. Eventually they come together and form a cohesive belief system, a group of thoughts more powerful and impactful than just a solitary one, in this case something like “I don’t deserve to feel abundant and prosperous.” I’m assuming, then, that how long ago in the human lifetime a belief system was formed and how intently we focus our attention on the thoughts that make up that belief system affects how entrenched it is in our field along with the degree of difficulty in dislodging and releasing those beliefs that no longer serve us. Is that about right?

We could not have said it better ourselves. We would include the idea that not all belief systems are fear-based. There are many, many thought groups within your energy field that hold a positive frequency and in turn serve you very well. If that were not the case, you would be completely unable to function in the physical world. However, most humans tend to take these more positive belief systems for granted and as a result, they are often ignored or underappreciated in favor of those beliefs that you feel cause you the most difficulty. That is only natural at this stage in your development. These low-frequency belief systems, constructed as they are from countless fear-based thought forms, comprise the core substance of the ego, and as such, draw your attention more readily through the mental chatter they engender than do more positively-based thought structures.

So, how do these belief systems become so entrenched? Is it like I said, that it depends on how long they’ve been around and how preoccupied we are with them?

Indeed. For example, belief systems that were formed during your early years of human development, especially those that colored your world view and defined how you identify yourself in relation to that world view, can be among the most rigid and intractable energies, due mainly to the fact that you have become habituated to them over the years and as a result, your awareness of them is often fuzzy and indistinct. We speak of those beliefs that were more often than not influenced by your parents and other adult authority figures that featured prominently in your early development. Again, some of these belief systems are positively oriented and still serve you well as an adult, while others continue to perpetuate fear-based views of the world that no longer serve you. Because of their long history of being embedded within your energy field, these low-frequency, fear-based belief systems are often the most difficult to bring awareness to, even with outside assistance. Consequently, these energies are often the most challenging for humans to transform and heal.

So how do we bring awareness to an old, fear-based belief system that may be standing in the way of our creating or manifesting something we desire? As you say, some of these older, more entrenched beliefs often seem so buried beneath the surface of the unconscious mind that they seem out of reach to any sort of healing release. That makes it hard for us to pin down exactly what may or may not be affecting our ability to create what we desire. Instead, we seem to spend a lot of time, when we experience something unpleasant that we weren’t expecting, asking ourselves, “What the hell is going on? How did this happen? Did I do something wrong?”

The last thing that you want to do in a situation such as this is beat yourself up over what you perceive to be a mistake caused by an unconscious belief structure.

And yet, that is almost always the first place we go.

Of course. That is the direction in which the ego would prefer you to go. And out of your fear and confusion, you let the ego lead the way because that is what you are used to. As a result, you spend a great deal of time trying to figure things out, figure out what you did wrong, figure out how to fix your mistake. And in the process, you simply end up engaging the ego in a problem that the ego has no interest in solving. What we are suggesting is that there is another choice you can make and that is love. You do not need to examine every nook and cranny of each and every one of the belief systems that hold sway within your energy field. To attempt such a feat would simply overwhelm you. Unconditional love is always the answer to a situation that brings you discomfort or pain of any kind. Unconditional love is the most direct way to healing and release. It cuts through the old belief systems you are still holding in place and brings you back to your true self. Judgement and self-recrimination only serve to keep an unwanted experience in place. So do what you can to use each of these challenging situations as an opportunity to practice channeling unconditional love. That is what using the contrast is all about. Taking an experience that triggers fear within you and turning it around. Flooding your system with love. Disallowing your tendency to always see the worst, to always blame and criticize, to always seek to punish yourself for the errors you believe you have made. Lighten everything up. Use love the way it was intended to be used – as a means of releasing the fear and bringing yourself back to who you really are.

I realize that we have discussed this many times before, but could you go over some practical things that we can do to help us practice bringing love to the darkness.

Of course. As always, we encourage you to do your very best to raise your awareness of what you are thinking and what you are doing. Get to know yourself, because without self-knowledge, without awareness of how you operate in the world, your quest to remember who you really are will remain a murky, difficult struggle. Then, when you become aware of thoughts that you feel are no longer serving you, that are lowering your vibration, that make you feel bad, choose instead a thought, an affirmation, that will lift your frequency, raise your spirits, make you feel good. That is how you put love in action. You might also take advantage of some of the inspirational books, tapes and videos that are available to you. It is sometimes easier to use light-guided meditation rather than words to clear old energies from your field.

I can highly recommend the YouTube videos of Melanie Beckler. She channels the Archangel Michael, who uses love-based light energies to put you in touch with these old, fear-based belief systems that we’ve been talking about and assists you in clearing them from your energy field.

That is an excellent suggestion. Finally, put your focus on the positive belief systems within your field. These positive beliefs are more readily aligned with who you really are, and the more you are in touch with who you really are, the easier it is to bypass old belief systems that no longer serve you. There is less resistance and more allowing. So, celebrate yourself when something goes well. Show yourself appreciation for small victories and jobs well done. Pat yourself on the back and let yourself know that you deserve to have all of the wonderful things, experiences and relationships that you desire. Shift your attention and allow your positive belief systems to take precedence over the old, fear-based beliefs that no longer serve you.

Lots of wonderful ideas in this post. I think we will stop there for today.

It has been our pleasure to speak with you on this very important topic.

Thank you all.