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Month: February 2023



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

Today, I would like to talk about sharing.

In what regard?

Sharing thoughts and feelings – personal thoughts and feelings – with others. We have touched on this topic in previous posts, but I would like to talk a little more about this today if we can.

Of course. This is an excellent topic of conversation. We take it that you mean sharing your thoughts and feelings with other humans. You do spend a great deal of time sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.

That is true. And yes, I’m talking about sharing personal thoughts and feelings with other humans. I have never had much difficulty sharing my inner most thoughts and feelings with those I am closest to. I have many wonderful and sympathetic friends and family members in my life who are always willing to lend an ear, a shoulder to cry on, advice on coping with the many challenges that human existence has to offer.

What, then, do you wish to talk about when it comes to sharing?

Well, since I have been doing this work, and spending more and more time hashing out my personal issues with all of you, I seem to have gotten out of the practice of sharing with my friends and loved ones. I feel sometimes that the ideas I’m dealing with lately are so challenging and often trigger so many intense emotional states, that I don’t want to burden others with them or perhaps trigger similar emotional states in them. So, I have started keeping things to myself. We all do that, I realize. There are plenty of human beings who spend their entire lives keeping everything to themselves. I’ve never been like that and generally have no difficulty sharing. I guess I’m just now at a point in my life with the work that I have been doing on myself that I am more cautious about what I share and what I don’t. The downside is that when I do not share, I start to feel a bit isolated, which is only natural, I suppose. Work like this that focuses so intensely on oneself can be a lonely experience at times. At the same time, I also feel myself getting clogged up emotionally and that it is only when I unburden myself that I can achieve any relief.

We understand what you are experiencing. You are growing and changing, and as you grow and change, you are seeking ways to process the new information that you are now allowing into your field of consciousness. That is a natural consequence of dealing with ideas of a higher vibrational quality than what you are used to. These types of adjustments are all a part of the bigger picture, the one you are seeking to redraw as you continue along your path. In this case, we do not feel that this particular aspect of your journey – sharing – should trouble you too much. You only naturally want to share with others what you are experiencing. Sometimes you feel it is appropriate and at other times you feel it is not. That is fine and OK. You do not need to pass judgement on yourself for whatever choice you make regarding this type of behavior. And we can assure you that your friends and loved ones do not in any way feel burdened or overwhelmed by anything that you have to share with them. They are pleased to be a part of whatever is going on with you in your life. It is only you that feels a bit confused and unsure about what to share and how much.

Yes, I can see that. This reticence I feel from time to time is really coming from me.

And that is fine, as long as you continue to be aware of it and use it to understand what you need as you move along your path. Sharing your emotional state with other human persons can be a very effective way of releasing emotional energy that has become stuck, as long as you are not acting out these emotions or sharing them with someone who clearly does not want to listen. But you are sensitive and considerate enough to make sure this does not occur. And there is no need to judge yourself so harshly. If you could accomplish this work by yourself, in a bubble, there would be no need for you to have others in your life. There are there to help, just as you are there to help them.

This advice would apply to anyone who worries that they are sharing too much, or not enough, with others, would it not?

Indeed. Another reason that there is more than one of you inhabiting the earthly plane. As we have said before, if there was no impulse to share, no impulse to communicate what you are thinking and what you are feeling from moment to moment, then there would be only one of you incarnated at any given time throughout the course of your planet’s history. This dynamic of sharing is an integral part of the system that has been designed to facilitate the growth and expansion of all beings incarnated on the physical plane. Without relationships with others, and all that these relationships have to offer, growth would be next to impossible.

What about monks in a monastery who have very little contact with others? What about hermits, or nuns in a cloister, or anyone for that matter who chooses to live a solitary existence?

It is true that some human persons have chosen to live lives that are more solitary than others, and that type of choice comes with its own challenges. But for the majority of humans, it is contact with others that is an essential part of the earthly experience. It is all a balancing act, after all. Balancing what you need with respect to your own emotional life with the boundaries that others have set in place for themselves. With those that are closest to you, those boundaries may perhaps be more porous or fluid than they might be with someone with whom you are not close. That said, it is possible sometimes that the best ear for your troubles, so to speak, is someone who you do not know well, but who nonetheless is sympathetic to your need to share. Again, it is up to you to gauge when and with whom you choose to share your innermost thoughts and feelings. And the best way to gauge that is by using your own sensitivity along with your knowledge and experience of those with whom you share your journey.

This has all been very helpful. I think we will stop there for today.

As you wish. As always, it has been our pleasure.

Thank you all.