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Month: September 2022



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

Today, I’d like to focus on the constant chatter that the ego generates within our minds.

Ah, yes. Ego chatter. Mental chatter. The never-ending monologue. The critic. The monkey. The gremlin. The beast. The devil. All of these terms and more are used by human persons to describe the phenomenon of the ever-present ego voice.

Why do we have this endless stream of thoughts rattling around inside our heads twenty-four hours a day?

As you might guess, it all starts with the ego. The human ego has evolved over the many, many years that the Earth plane has been in existence, in large part as a force to distract you from remembering who you really are. As we have said before, the ego is composed of embedded, fear-based beliefs that share the same low vibrational frequency. As such, they bond together in tight clusters, making it very difficult to break them apart and disperse them.

And that’s where the chatter originates, doesn’t it? From these clusters of embedded, fear-based beliefs.

Yes. This mental chatter arises out of your fear-based beliefs and functions as a very powerful form of resistance. Arguments with your partner, self-criticism of your own work performance, worry and concern over future financial difficulties, as well as an infinite number of completely imagined conflicts and dramas. The list goes on and on.

I’m very familiar with that list.

All of it taking place inside your head, usually while you are engaged in other activities, and all of it triggering you emotionally. Anger, resentment, jealousy, paranoia, fear, all in response to the ego’s chatter. It is like radio static, generated to keep you from hearing the voice of your own higher self.

That all sounds very familiar.

Indeed. What you may not realize is that, over time, this ego chatter begins to come between you and your direct experience of the world. You may find yourself responding not to real experiences, but to your thoughts ABOUT those experiences. That is why it is so important to quiet your mind and allow the voice of your higher self, rather than the ego, to lead the way.

You almost make the ego sound like a real being with an existence of its own.

In a sense, it is, but only because you as humans give it that power. A large part of that power lies in the incessant, fear-based rhetoric that the ego creates inside your mind. This rhetoric creates the illusion that the ego is who you really are. But the ego is not who you really are and fear is not who you really are. You are an expanded being of light and love. That is who and what you are.

So, we have a lot of good reasons to want to quiet our minds. What can we do to offset the power of this mental chatter, if not completely silence it, then at least tone it down to a dull roar?

Meditation is the most effective way to quiet the ego’s mental chatter. We cannot stress this enough. If you do not know how to meditate, or if you have tried it and then given up because you found it too difficult, we strongly recommend giving it another try. Start by focusing your attention on your breath, or something outside of yourself, like a fan or repetitive music, and hold it there. That’s really all there is to it. If you can shift your attention away from the mental chatter and maintain your focus on your breath or some other outside stimuli, eventually the chatter will begin to subside and your mind will quiet itself. Ideally, the goal is to create a state of complete quiet within the mind, for when you are completely at peace, your creative impulses can stream directly from your higher self. After a time, you may even begin to feel the tingle of your own presence within your physical form. If so, keep your focus there as long as you can, for that tingle is you. That is your life force vibrating within your physical form.

Most people who have tried meditation, myself included, would say that the ego thoughts are often so strong that it is almost impossible to keep them from grabbing your attention.

That is why it is referred to as the “practice” of meditation. Yes, meditation is challenging, but it does get easier with consistent practice. And the benefits are well worth the effort. If you are a beginner and find meditation too great a challenge, work with a guided meditation tape or video. You may even want to start with a meditation class. Anything to get you started.

What about conscious breathing as a means of quieting the mind?

Conscious breathing is an important counterpart to the practice of mindfulness, which is nothing more than allowing yourself to be aware of where you are and what you are doing while you are doing it. It is attention that is concentrated in the present moment. To increase your mindfulness, focus attention on your breath in a conscious manner as you engage in activities throughout your day – brushing your teeth, shopping for groceries, even walking down the street. If you pay close attention to your breathing, you will be amazed to discover how often you actually stop breathing while you are engaged in ordinary activity. That is generally a sign that you are no longer present. So, focus on your breathing. It will keep your attention on the present moment and help to quiet the incessant mind chatter.

What about using positive affirmations as a way of pivoting away from some of the ego’s negative chatter? Since thought is creative, it seems to me that we would want to keep our thoughts as positive as we can to allow the best possible experiences into our lives, and that is not always possible when we are listening to a stream of ego negativity.

Positive affirmations are an excellent means of offsetting the effects of ego chatter. As we have said before, positive affirmations can function as a bridge between your negative mindset and the natural, positive thinking that flows to you freely when you open yourself up to Source energy. And by consciously choosing your thoughts, keeping them positive and focused on your desires, you facilitate your own conscious creating.

This has all been very helpful. I think we will stop there for today.

Of course. We look forward to our next conversation.

Thank you all.