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Today, I would like to talk about creative visualization.
Creative visualization. An essential part of your spiritual toolbox.
I agree. I first learned about creative visualization years ago from a book that was very popular at the time called Creative Visualization, written by a woman named Shakti Gawain.
Shakti Gawain. A very influential spiritual teacher on the Earth plane.
I would call her a pioneer, since she was doing the kind of work and providing the kind of information to spiritual seekers like myself that no one else had done before.
Every era on the Earth plane has its share of influential spiritual teachers and Shakti Gawain is certainly one.
I would like to use what I learned from her on a more consistent basis. I often find myself wanting things or experiences that I believe will bring me joy or pleasure, and yet when it comes to manifesting them, I fail to make use of the tools at my disposal.
Whether you realize it or not, you are using creative visualization every day, every moment of your life. But what most humans tend to do is visualize their current life experiences over and over again and thereby manifest the same thing for themselves day in and day out. Much of this visualization is done unconsciously, of course, but its effect is the same. Essentially, you hold your current physical experiences in place by focusing only on what is right in front of you. In this way, you are simply repeating the moments of your life. It is only when you make another choice, form a new way of seeing yourself and your place in the world, that you begin to align your energy with a new desire. Using creative visualization CONSCIOUSLY is an excellent way to make this kind of shift.
I can think of several reasons why we resist using this kind of tool more often than we do. It’s because we feel we don’t deserve to have what we desire in our lives, or because we’re afraid of change, or because we feel so disconnected from our own source of power that we have no faith in our ability to manifest what we want, even when we do feel that we deserve it.
It is true that all of these beliefs, and much more besides, often keep you from using the tools at your disposal to manifest what you desire. But for the moment, let us not focus on resistance.
Yes, of course. Let’s affirm instead our innate ability to create, using the tools that are available to us.
Excellent. So, as you know, and we believe many of our readers are already aware, the use of creative visualization has begun to enter the mainstream of life on the physical plane, especially in the area of sports, where athletes visualize the successful completion of their events or their routines in advance of their physical performance. This type of visualization helps to fix their mind on what it is that they wish to achieve. It is also used frequently DURING athletic events, when results begin to veer away from the intended results. Visualization helps to bring an athlete’s intention back into alignment with their chosen desire.
I do know that the use of visualization has become increasingly popular among tennis players. And it gets good results. How can we use creative visualization more effectively in our own lives, even if we are not athletes?
Putting aside any thoughts of resistance, take some time to sit and quiet your mind. You do not necessarily need to achieve a completely meditative state, simply one where you can focus without too much interruption. Then, form a mental image of what you desire to manifest. It is often best to keep your image within the realm of the possible. Reaching too high can sometimes dissipate the energy you need to build around your desire.
That’s something I do often. Overshoot, so to speak, and then I end up not believing it can happen.
Indeed. So, fix your mind on the image of what you desire. If you cannot coalesce around a consistent image, consider using photographs or other imagery to inspire you. The next step is very important and one that is often neglected.
Let me guess. We often forget to focus on the feelings, the emotions, that the image is meant to inspire.
Very good. Yes, it is important to allow your feelings, your emotions, to rise to the surface while holding the image of what you desire. You can summon images all day long in your mind, but if you do not imbue them with your own creative energy in the form of feeling, you will not build enough momentum to manifest what you desire. The Universe is one of vibration, and so it is the frequency inspired by your image that the Universe will seek to match. That is how physical manifestation occurs.
Got it. What next?
Then simply sit with your vision. Ten minutes once a day is sufficient to start. Enjoy it. Have fun with it. Add detail to it and claim it as your own. Talk to it if you want. Tell it why you want to have it in your life, contemplate the joy and excitement you would feel if it actually manifested in your life, believe that is actually happening, believe that is has ALREADY happened. Use your imagination to move past and through any resistance you may feel and just let it happen.
OK. Anything else?
Yes. Be patient. What you desire will probably not manifest overnight. You will need to build momentum around it gradually. Then take action only when you feel inspired to do so. And relax. Treat the creative process as if it were a game, because in a sense, it is. You are a creator and you abide within an environment where anything, and we mean ANYTHING, is possible. You get to choose what you want to experience. You get to choose it all. So, relax, enjoy yourself and have fun. That is the best piece of advice we could give anyone who wishes to consciously create.
All of that was very helpful. I think we will stop there.
It has been our pleasure. Until next time.
Thank you all.