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Month: August 2022



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

Since our recent discussion on creative visualization, I have been thinking a lot about focus, which seems to me to be a very important part of the creative process. Not just focus, but our ability to shift and then hold our focus under all types of circumstances.

You are correct in pointing out how important focus is to the creative process. Without the ability to focus, there would be no manifestation of experience, no relationships. In truth, the physical plane could not function at all if human persons did not have the ability to focus. It is focus, coupled with intent, that grounds your spirit within your physical form. That is how important focus is.

The same could be said of non-physical as well, couldn’t it? From what I understand, life on the non-physical plane is ALL about focus.

All desire for experience on both the physical and non-physical planes relies upon focus. For a non-physical being, the ability to shift and hold focus in order to manifest desire is as natural as breathing is to an incarnated being. It is an integral part of the way the Universe functions.

And yet, for something that is so important to the creative process, we do not talk about it very often. And it really is the key. Someone said once that “genius is really a matter of focus. The only thing that separates someone like Mozart or Einstein from the rest of humanity is their incredible ability to focus.” What you can tell us about how to improve our own ability to focus?

First, let us start with WHY focus is so important to the creative process. When a desire arises within you, your focus is automatically engaged. Generally, this happens unconsciously. The desire triggers an emotional, vibrational response within you as your focus shifts towards the object of your desire, whether that is a thought or a physical object or a relationship or an experience of some kind. Your sustained focus then transmits the frequency of your emotional response to the Universe via the Law of Attraction, which as you know states that whatever you focus upon, manifests. If your focus is held for a sufficient period of time – we are speaking here of manifestation on the physical plane; non-physical manifestation generally occurs instantaneously – and the vibration is strong and consistent, and you hold no resistance, meaning there is only allowance on your part, then the desired manifestation will eventually materialize on the physical plane. Does all of that make sense?

Yes, that is all pretty clear, although it sounds a lot more straightforward than it seems to us down here.

That is because…

Let me complete that thought. That is because we have agreed to a form of metaphysical amnesia before incarnating on the physical plane, which has caused us to lose sight of our ability to manifest at will. Part of the process of remembering who we really are and why we have come is to remember that we are creators, and that even though we reside in physical forms, we still have the ability to create what we desire any time we want.  

Very good. That is the challenge you have undertaken in coming to the physical plane. To remember who you really are by using the skills inherent to who you really are.

Again, you make it all sound pretty simple and easy.

We are aware that this process of remembering is neither simple nor easy, but that is not what you expected nor what you intended when you arrived. If it were not challenging, there would be no point in coming. Challenge fosters growth and expansion and that, ultimately, is why you are here. Besides, where is the fun in something that holds no challenge?

Well, I could answer that, but I promised myself I would not swear in our conversations. But seriously, I get it. How then can we improve our focusing skills?

Practice. Practice. Practice. That is way to improve your focusing skills. To start, allow yourself to become more aware of HOW you focus and when. As we said, much of what you create as an incarnated being is still done unconsciously, so the first step in all of this work is to increase your awareness. And that means monitoring your thoughts. Do you see a connection between what you are thinking and what you are experiencing? You know enough now to understand that there is always a connection. The question is, do you see it? Are you aware of it? That is the place to start. You need to understand that the connection between thought and manifestation is a natural part of your creative process. If you can get to that place, you will soon realize that it is your focused thought and the feeling that accompanies it that brings forth the manifestation. Then it is only a matter of learning how to control your focus, and that will come about through practice.

Which means what? I should sit and stare at an object and see how long I can hold my attention on it?

You are being facetious, but that idea has a certain validity. You don’t necessarily need to stare at an object for hours on end to prove you can hold your focus. You can practice focusing in any number of ways. For example, how long can you read a book without your attention wandering? Can you read a book for ten minutes, stop to wash some dishes, answer the phone and talk for another ten minutes, hang up and write a to-do list for the next day, and then return to reading your book, all while maintaining your focus exclusively on what you are doing at any given moment without allowing your mind to wander to other activities or, more importantly, to other thoughts that are vying for your attention?

You’re talking about mindfulness, aren’t you? Mindfulness meditation.

That is exactly what we are talking about, though you need not think of it as meditation if that is not your preference. What is important for you to understand is that focus is the foundation of the creative process. If you want to improve your creative abilities, all you need to do is practice. How you manage it is your choice.

That is all very helpful. I think we will stop there.

As always, it has been our pleasure.

Thank you all.