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Month: July 2022



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

I was thinking the other day about when I was first introduced to all of you and I thought it might be nice, for a change of pace, to share that story with our readers.

We think our readers would enjoy that very much.

Before we start, I should clarify that while I now understand that you have been my guidance for a very long time, throughout most of this lifetime in fact, prior to the time that I was actually introduced to you, I only had what we might call “unconscious communication” with all of you.

Communication in the form of feelings, impulses, or what you might call instinct, that is what you mean, correct?

Yes, that’s what I mean. I understand now in a much more conscious way that your guidance has always been present and active. I just did not realize that any internal nudging or encouragement I might be feeling, especially when I needed to make a decision about something, that the guidance might be coming from all of you.

We have been with you through virtually this entire lifetime and even though you were not consciously aware of us, our connection with you has always been strong and your reception to our guidance always open.

I appreciate that. So, years ago, maybe 10 or 12 years ago, I was struggling with some health issues and I found a Reiki practitioner, now my good friend Patricia, to help me with my healing process. I had very little knowledge of Reiki practice up to that point, so much of what I experienced under Patricia’s care was new to me. It turned out to be a very effective form of treatment for me and I enjoyed the process so much that I eventually chose to study Reiki under Patricia’s instruction until I became a Reiki master myself. But that is another story.

That is another story and a good one, too. But go on.

After I had been working with Patricia for some time, she suggested that we begin to do more in-depth energy healing. Patricia not only practiced Reiki, but her own form of energy healing as well. Her style of energy healing, which she developed herself, involved sitting and talking about whatever my concerns might be, and then she would contact her own spirit guides to access helpful information about my situation. This approach was very different from me lying on a table and receiving hands-on Reiki energy. It was more like traditional therapy, comparable to working with a psychologist, except that Patricia’s advice and guidance came from her own spirit guides. As she explained to me, she would ground and center herself and then leave her body, go out into what she called the “universal grid” where she could access all kinds of information. Her guides would lead her to where the most pertinent information could be accessed.

That is where she encountered us.

Right. That is where she encountered all of you, in the “universal grid.” You all were there, I guess just hanging out, doing whatever it is you do when you’re not focused entirely on me and my concerns, and she began accessing information directly from all of you, information regarding anything that was troubling me, not just my health issues, but family concerns, questions I had about work or money or my love life. Anything really.

Patricia is a wonderful, loving being and we appreciate all that she did for you during that time. We formed an instant connection with her and we were especially pleased that we could communicate with you through her in a more direct way.

During one of these sessions, she asked me if I would like to meet all of you, my spirit guides. At first, I didn’t really know what she was talking about. I didn’t realize that every incarnated being has a guide or group of guides that are present to assist them in navigating the challenges of the physical plane. But I was excited and curious, so I said yes, of course, I’d love to meet my spirit guides.

We were excited as well, for we knew this would be the beginning of a new, more conscious phase of our relationship.

I expected Patricia to simply say something like, “I am speaking to your guides now. Is there anything you would like to say to them?” In other words, I thought she would act as a conduit of sorts and I would speak to all of you through her. But the next thing I knew, I could hear all of you inside my head.

That was a bit of a shock for you, was it not?

Yes, totally unexpected. I was a little freaked out at first. It’s more than a little strange to hear an unfamiliar voice inside your own head. But I didn’t feel like I was going crazy or anything. Despite the strangeness of the situation, it somehow felt very natural.

The relationship between an incarnated being and their guides is one of the most natural relationships in the entire Universe.

I agree. But at the time, while it did feel natural to me, I wasn’t sure what to do next. So, I started to say hello to you from inside my own head, using my own thoughts, and the next thing I know we were carrying on a conversation. I remember it being a pretty short conversation, though. I think my resistance to what was happening took hold pretty quickly and I shut down the lines of communication.

That is exactly what happened.

And then, following that session with Patricia where she introduced you all to me, I didn’t have any conscious conversations with you for a very long time. I continued to see Patricia for our energy healing sessions and she continued to communicate with all of you during those times. I guess I thought once I met all of you that we would be chatting away all the time, but that did not happen. Again, there was too much resistance.

But over the years, your resistance has subsided, much to our great joy, and now look at what is happening. Not only have you grown and expanded to the point where we communicate on a regular basis, but you are now sharing the content of our conversations with all of our readers.

Yes, it’s pretty incredible how my relationship with all of you has grown. I couldn’t be happier about that. OK. We’ve gone on long enough I think, so we should probably end this conversation.

Until next time then.

Thank you all.