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Month: June 2022



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

Today I want to tackle a rather broad topic – diversity.

Yes, diversity. A very absorbing topic. A counterpart to contrast. One could not exist without the other.

Yes, of course. Contrast. We’ve already spoken quite a bit about contrast.

Yes, we have. Diversity and contrast are intertwined and are both worthy of discussion, especially considering how important they are to the concept of duality.

Did you say duality?

Yes, duality. Duality and separation. The two go hand in hand. In fact, it would be difficult to discuss one without the other.

Wait. What do you mean by separation and what does it have to do with duality and why do they go hand in hand?

Separation and duality. Duality and separation. These are the two main components of the physical plane illusion.

OK, stop for a second. Are you messing with me? I mean, I wanted to talk about diversity because it is something that is becoming more and more of a topic within our social fabric, and now all of a sudden we’re talking about the illusion of the physical plane.

We would be more than happy to focus on whatever topic you deem important in this moment. We are just having a bit of fun. You yourself stated that the topic of diversity was a broad one and we just wanted to give you an idea of just how broad a topic it is. Diversity is one of the cornerstones of the physical experience along with contrast, duality and separation. We do not need to explore all of these topics today. We just wanted to give you a taste of coming attractions, topics that we will eventually discuss in future conversations. Today, we are more than happy to confine our talk to the concept of diversity.

Thank you so much.

Not at all. So where would you like to start?

Well, let’s start with why diversity is so important to our lives on the physical plane.

Diversity is what makes contrast possible, contrast being the difference between this and that, here and there, what we like and what we do not like. Without diversity, there would only be one choice to make. With diversity, you are able to see the contrasting experiences that present themselves to you on the physical plane. From there, you can choose what you want to experience based on your preferences. That is why diversity is so important to the Earth plane experience. Everything hinges on diversity. Without it, there would be no contrast, and with no contrast, there would be no choice. As we have said previously, freedom of choice is an essential part of the human, incarnated experience.

So, basically what you are saying is that diversity is a natural part of the physical plane. That it is inherent to our very existence.

It is as natural to human existence as breathing.

But if it is such a natural part of life, why do so many people seem to be frightened of it and want to stamp it out?

Because they cling to an old belief that the social fabric of life on the physical plane depends on everyone being and acting the same. This belief, however antiquated and misguided, influences almost every Earthly decision that is made, especially by large institutions that rely on controlling the behavior of others to maintain what they see as the source of their power. This power source is an illusion, of course, and has almost no relation to your true source of power. But they believe that if too much diversity is allowed, if individuals are allowed to freely express who they are and what their preferences are, even within a so-called democratic environment, then the entire social fabric will unravel and chaos will ensue.

That’s true of most religious institutions, am I right?

Fear of diversity, of individuality, of free expression, is one of the core concerns of most religious institutions. Consider the multitude and variety of rules and regulations that have been established by most religions. These rules and regulations are set in place to control the behavior of its members. The goal is to get everyone who participates to act in the same way, to believe in the same things, to conduct themselves in a manner that is recognizable, that is “right,” that is heavenly and Godly and so forth. Any deviation from the established rules and regulations, which are often said to be set down by God himself, can be considered a sin and therefor subject to punishment, if not in this lifetime, then in the afterlife, usually with a long and fiery stint in what is commonly known as “hell.”

I want to stop here for just one moment to verify that you are not criticizing religions in general.

Indeed not. Religious institutions exist for a reason, just like everything else on the human plane. Many human persons receive great comfort from religion as well as a legitimate sense of community and kinship with those who share their personal faith and devotion.

Like my mom.

As you say, like your mother and countless others like her around the world. Aligning oneself with a religious ideology is, like everything else that we are discussing here on the subject of diversity, a legitimate choice that should not be judged. That does not mean that humans should allow their devotion to one way of thinking keep them from acknowledging the value of choices made by others. Remember – “Variety is the spice of life.” It is what keeps human existence vital and interesting. Diversity of opinion, diversity of thought, diversity of choice. The best course is to make choices based on your own preferences and allow others to do the same, without judgment. If you do decide you want to change people’s minds about this or that, do not push against. That only gives more power to those ideas that you are NOT aligned with. If you want to create change, just hold to a higher thought of your own. And when you take action, if you take action, make sure it is aligned with that higher thought. Work FOR something rather than in opposition, and let the rest take care of itself.

I don’t really want to end this conversation, but at the risk of going on too long, I think we should stop there and continue this discussion next time.

Of course. Whatever you wish.

Thank you all.