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Month: May 2022



Are you there?

Yes, we are here.

Today, I want to talk about a difficult subject – depression.

This is indeed a challenging topic for many human persons. Where would you like to begin?

With myself. I can’t honestly say that I think of myself as a depressed person, at least not at this point in my life. When I was younger, however, during my college years, I did experience bouts of depression that sometimes lasted a week or more. I could do everything that I needed to do – go to class, run errands, buy food and clothes, clean my apartment. I could take care of my basic necessities, but during these periods of depression, I mostly just sat around on my sofa staring at the four walls. This is not to say that I spent all of my time in a depressed state. I was also acting quite a bit during that time, either with my college theater group or later on with one of the local theaters. I also had a great many friends and a busy social life. But when I was not running around or acting in a play, I was usually at home lying on my sofa.

Was there a trigger to these depressive periods?

A failed romantic relationship might set me off or problems I was having with a part in a play. Then I would be flooded with thoughts of futility – Why bother? Who cares? What’s the point? – that sort of thing.

Did you ever seek professional help for these bouts of depression?

No, I didn’t. I was always able to function well enough, and I’m guessing that most of my friends during that time had no idea that I was suffering from depression. Since I was managing all right on my own, I never sought out professional help. I felt somehow, despite my depressed state, that I had the ability to heal the situation myself. And as I grew older, I did. I found ways to explore and then heal the issues that were causing my depression and eventually I had fewer and fewer episodes. My spiritual work has been an integral part of this healing process for me. I meditate and practice Reiki on a regular basis now, and I continue to nurture my relationship with you, all of which has helped to keep my vibration high and stable.

So, why do you want to discuss depression now?

Even since I have been transcribing our conversations, I have been experiencing vibrations that are higher than normal. It has been wonderful, but I have also been experiencing down periods after a few days of transcribing that remind me of my past. There is a part of me that fears the return of those patterns, but fortunately, that part of me is not dominant. I believe that my body is not used to the higher vibrations I experience when I am in close contact with all of you and that after a few days, my body and my mind need time to rest. As a result, my vibration drops and I feel less than good. Can you shed some light on this? Is my diagnosis an accurate one?

We would say yes, absolutely. Our reading of the situation sees a clear difference between what you are experiencing now and what you experienced in your younger days as depression. The dynamic is not the same. Although there may be some similarities in terms of how you feel, your relationship to these states is different. You are much more aware now of what is going on inside of your energy field. While the thoughts that come into you head might be similar – Why bother? Who cares? What’s the point? – the way you are dealing with them is very different. When you were younger, you had no idea that you could do something about it. You were unconscious of your own personal power. In fact, you did not even think in terms of personal power. You were lost, confused and without any type of guidance, or so you thought. Now you are in a place where these down cycles are taken in stride. You realize that they are the result of the work that we are doing. Yes, your body and mind need to rest after our conversations, but you are getting better and better at absorbing our energy and soon, there will be no down cycles at all after our interactions. Understand, too, that there are other elements at work here that can also cause your vibration to drop from time to time. You are currently clearing out some old belief patterns that have been repressed over time and that process can lower your vibrational frequency as the patterns release. In addition, there is still some resistance on your part to the work that we are doing. You still question the means and the manner of our conversations, and that is fine. That is all a part of your work and our journey. But resistance can often tire you out and lower your vibration. The same holds true when you allow your ego to undermine the value of the work that we are doing, fueling your doubts with thoughts of Why bother? Who cares? What’s the point? But now you have the tools to handle this kind of ego resistance. You have come to realize that the problem almost always lies with your focus. In the past, you would remain focused on what you did not get, what you did not manifest, what you did not want. Now, you realize the importance of staying focused on thoughts that feel good. Staying focused on what you want rather than allowing your mind to drift off. What we can tell you is that the work you are doing with us right now is vital to your mission on this Earth. It is not important how many people are accessing our conversations. What is important is that you continue to explore and expand yourself and remember who you really are. The rest will take care of itself.

That is a lot to take in, so I’m going to stop now. We can revisit some of these ideas at a later time.

Of course. Be well.

Thank you all.