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Yes, we are here.
Today, I’d like to talk more about self-appreciation, especially the use of positive affirmations.
Try to think of a positive affirmation as a statement of something that is already true. By repeating it, you are simply helping yourself to remember that it is so. Currently, the negative statements that you make to yourself are seen by you as truth, in part because you have repeated them over and over again to yourself throughout your lifetime. As a result, because thought is creative, you have seen what you think of as evidence that these negative thoughts are true. For example, “I’m a screw-up” might seem correct to someone because they often find themselves screwing up, but in actual fact, the thought precedes the action. They screw up because they believe that they are the kind of person who screws up. Do you see?
Yes, I do. Thought precedes manifestation, so even if the statements are false and have no real truth behind them, the fact that you think this kind of thought over and over again shapes your experiences in such a way that you actually create the evidence to support the statement.
That is why it is so important for you to look at EVERYTHING that you are thinking, everything that you say to yourself about yourself, because in the process of running your thoughts, good or bad, you are literally creating your experiences.
So, what can we do?
Focus on thoughts that make you feel good and remove your focus from those thoughts that make you feel bad. This may sound simplistic, but it is not. There is a very profound dynamic at work, nothing short of creation itself. The feel good/feel bad paradigm has been established so that there can be no mistake in which direction you should head. It is like a guidance system. If a thought feels good to you, chances are you are on the right track, because if the thought feels good, it aligns with your higher self. And if it feels bad, it does not. The goal is to align your thoughts with the vibration of your higher self by consciously bringing higher thoughts into your human mind. And the way you know how you are doing is by monitoring what feels good and what feels bad.
But can we really overcome our history of negative thinking? It all seems so overwhelming at times.
You might start with a look at your existing human qualities. As we said in our previous post, there is much going on in your experience that you do not notice or that you take for granted. The same holds true about yourself. Every human person embodies a multitude of positive aspects, and we mean EVERY human person. You simply need to look for them. “I’m a considerate person.” “I’m funny.” “I have a generous spirit.” These kinds of positive statements, when repeated, will make you feel better and raise your vibration, and that is the goal after all, is it not? Feeling better, feeling happy, feeling at peace?
Yes, of course. I think most of us just want to feel good about ourselves and to feel valued, but I’m guessing that this kind of change takes time.
Yes, indeed. As with all transformational work, it requires true loving commitment. So, do it because you want to, if only because you are tired of listening to the same old negative comments you make to yourself. Do it because you love yourself. And do not wait around for others to do it for you. Take the time and the energy to look for things about yourself to appreciate. In truth, what you are looking for is already there. The goal is to bring all the parts of yourself into alignment with your higher self. That is how you will remember who you really are. That is how you will see the world, and yourself, through the eyes of Source.
It does seem hard for us to grasp the idea that we are much more than we appear to be in our human form.
You are all individual creations forged with the power of Source energy. That is who you are – incredibly creative, glorious, loving, joyous, light-filled beings so expansive that your combined energies fill the entire Universe. We do not exaggerate these qualities. They are real, they comprise who you are at your very core and they are accessible to all of you now, in this moment, while you exist in human form. Do not let anyone or anything convince you otherwise. So, think BIG! You are the creator of our own experience. You are the creator of YOU. So, create. Do not define yourself along anyone else’s lines or in deference to anyone else’s opinion or judgement. Make your own choices about who you want to be in the world. There is no limit!
This discussion of self-appreciation has been very helpful. I think we’ll stop now.
As you wish. Stay well and happy.
Thank you all.