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Yes, we are here.
Today, I would like to explore some of the ideas around enjoyment that we touched on in our last post.
We would be more than happy to discuss these ideas with you in further detail.
Great. So, I’m just going to come out and ask this question – why aren’t we as happy as we could be?
Because you don’t believe you deserve to be as happy as you could be.
I see. And why would that be?
If you look at the history of human persons on the Earth plane and what you are taught as you are developing, it is not hard to understand why happiness is so elusive.
You mean, how so many of us are taught early on that we are sinners, that we come into this life stained with sin, and that our job is to spend the entirety of our lives atoning for our sinful natures, otherwise we will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity and never see the face of God?
That is an extreme example of the kind of teaching that we are talking about, but yes, most human persons are taught from the moment they incarnate on the physical plane that they are not good enough and will never measure up, and that the only way to succeed in life is to PROVE your worth by working very, very hard. Are these not some of the prevailing sentiments under which you were raised?
Yes, those ring true, at least for me. In fairness, I have also encountered some positive messages along the way, like “believe in yourself” and “all you need is love.”
Yes, those are fine sentiments, but unfortunately at this time on the physical plane, they do not predominate. And when they are spoken, they are intended more as a panacea than as a real, grounded belief. Without exposure to more affirming messages as you develop, you begin to accumulate beliefs that reinforce the idea that you are unworthy. Unworthy of happiness, unworthy of love, unworthy of prosperity. You can work very, very hard to achieve those things, but even then, there is no guarantee of happiness. The world is filled with human persons who have achieved great things through hard work only to find themselves in a miserable state, fearing they will be found out, waiting for the other shoe to drop, expecting it all to eventually come crashing down around them.
How, then, can we get to a place where we feel that we deserve happiness in our lives, where we can enjoy all of the wonderful things that life has to offer?
You can start by taking control of your own power. By allowing yourself to believe in who you really are. On the non-physical plane, the question of deserving never comes up. It is not a factor.
How do you mean?
In non-physical, self-worth is a given. It is a natural part of who we are and who you really are. A non-physical being would not say “I don’t deserve to be who I am or to feel joy or happiness or peace” simply because we ARE joy and happiness and peace. It would be like you saying, “I don’t deserve to be six feet and one inches tall.” Your height is a given. It is an intrinsic part of who you are, of your physical makeup, and is not really something that you would think of questioning or feel that you did not deserve.
Well, if I was shorter than I wanted to be, or so tall that I was constantly bumping my head, then yes, I might feel that I didn’t deserve to be a certain height.
That may be true, but for the sake of this discussion, let us keep the focus on you and what you think you would deserve, and the last time we checked, you were very happy with your height.
Yes. OK. But why is it so hard to turn things around?
Resistance. This belief in your own unworthiness builds up over time until it becomes so ingrained and so unquestioned that it is almost impossible to dislodge. And when you do try to dislodge it, you feel resistance, because a belief in your innate worthiness does not coincide with what you have come to believe about yourself. That is why this process can be so difficult for those on the physical plane. But that is part of your work here. To shift, to pivot your belief system back to that which is truly aligned with your inner being.
So, this resistance is often what keep us from embracing happiness?
Yes, indeed. If you stop for a moment to gauge your state of being when you are in a happy or joyful situation, you may be surprised to find an uncomfortable tightness building within your body. Or doubtful thoughts creeping into your mind. You are happy, you are enjoying yourself, but there is a lingering sense that something is not right. Afterwards, you may even feel guilt over the pleasure that you have experienced. Some call this the “hangover effect.” That all pleasure automatically brings with it an unpleasant consequence. This happens because your old, ingrained belief system pushes back against anything that does not align with it. You resist any feeling, any guidance that might suggest that you CAN experience happiness any time you wish and that you are in charge of when that happens.
So, what is the solution? What do we do?
Allow yourself to believe that what you were taught about your own sense of worthiness might not be true. That there is another way to approach life. Then focus on those things or events or individuals in your life that already bring you happiness. And affirm for yourself that you are the one that is attracting those opportunities for happiness into your life. You are the creator of your own experience. Yes, others are involved, but they would not be a part of your happiness if you were not allowing them in. Empower yourself. Remind yourself that you can be happy whenever you want. You will most likely experience some opposition from your ego, since it will choose to align itself with your more entrenched belief systems, but you simply need to hold your focus. Don’t push. Don’t force. Allow your focus to shift gently. And then see what happens!
OK. Why don’t we stop there and pick it up next time.
Until next time then.
Thank you all.