Are you there?
Yes, we are here.
What I’d like to do today is go back a week or so and give our readers a sense of the conversation we had the afternoon I tried to add the Subscriber and the Share buttons to our website. I got so frustrated with all of the tech issues that I almost gave up.
Yes, we are aware of this issue of frustration, especially with older human persons like yourself, and especially when it comes to technology.
Well, leaving aside the “older human persons like yourself” reference, I thought that my experience might make for a good discussion on the topic of frustration.
If we remember correctly, adding these buttons was not as easy as you had hoped it would be and you spent many hours trying to figure it all out.
You remember correctly. You may also remember that I called on you for help on more than one occasion and received very little assistance in return.
You were in the middle of a frustrating melt-down due to your perceived lack of technical skills. We thought it best to allow the scenario to play out rather than to try to manipulate the situation, which we could not have done even if we had wanted to.
Like the “Star Trek” directive, you cannot interfere with the lives of the native inhabitants of the planets you visit.
Something like that.
Meaning that while I screamed at my laptop in frustration, you just sat there, or whatever it is you do, and told me to “take a deep breath and relax.”
That is correct. When we told you to relax, we were only reminding you of something that you already knew.
Yes, you have done that a number of times. Reminding me that I already know the answer to a problem.
We cannot exactly treat you like a newbie, now can we? You have been at this long enough to know that when you are feeling a certain way, in distress or out of sorts, or in this case, severely frustrated, there are some simple things you can do to help relieve the stress and bring calm to the situation. These tools may not solve your overall problem, but they can help you to pivot your mind in the direction of a solution rather than keeping it focused on the problem. And that is very important if you want to shift your vibration to one that feels better.
OK. Yes. That does make sense.
You also know that we are here to help you remember who you really are, so we cannot simply jump in every time you need assistance when you know very well that if you allow yourself the opportunity to find the answer on your own, it leads to further growth and expansion.
Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of being a guide, though?
Not at all. Guides do just that – they guide. A guide cannot fix a situation or solve a problem that you yourself have created for a very specific purpose, even if you do not consciously know what that purpose is. You must do that for yourself.
I see. So, while you’re hanging around, waiting to see what will happen, I struggle and flail about, lose my temper, scream at my laptop and bang my fist on the desk, all because I can’t get the stupid website to work properly.
If you take a moment now to pull back from your memory of the situation, you will realize that this scenario allowed for a great release of built-up emotion. You created that scenario for just that purpose, so that you could release that emotion, that frustration.
But why was I feeling so frustrated in the first place?
Technology, for starters. You said so yourself at the beginning of this conversation. Would you like us to read that part back to you?
That won’t be necessary.
You were frustrated with the website’s technology and your inability to master it in a quick and easy fashion, which in turn made you feel old and not very bright, two things that you do not like to feel. At all. Ever.
Oh, right. Of course. All of that. Well, who doesn’t?
But that is not the whole picture. You were also frustrated with the world and the way it is operating at the moment. Are we wrong about that?
Yes. I mean no. You are not wrong about that.
Of course not. That the world does not always function the way you want is very frustrating for you, as it is for most human persons. In this case, you had difficulty configuring some new features on our website because you could not understand the technical language the website was using. There also seemed to be too many options, some of which you wanted and some of which you did not. You clicked what you thought were the right buttons, but everything seemed to pop up regardless and you became overwhelmed. Finally, just as you were almost finished, your internet service went out and you needed to start all over again from the beginning. These circumstances were the result of your unconsciously creating a situation so frustrating that you could not help but release some of the emotional energy that had been building up about the state of the world and politics and many other things that you were concerned about. It would have made no sense for us to interfere with you at that point even if we had wanted to. Our best course of action was to suggest that you to take a deep breath, remind yourself of who you really are, and then to allow you to find your own way through it.
Of course. I understand. Frustration can often blind a person to what is really going on, so I appreciate your insight. Let’s stop here and pick it up next time.
As you wish.
Thank you all.