Are you there?
Yes, we are here.
This is probably going to seem like a silly question, but it seems to me that often times in our conversations and in other spiritual material that I come across, that the same ideas are repeated over and over again, and I have been wondering why that is?
That is not a silly question at all. In fact, your question is one that speaks directly to the human condition and how growth and expansion are eventually achieved by all incarnated human persons.
No kidding.
No kidding. Repetition of ideas and beliefs is an essential part of the way you remember who you really are. It only makes sense, does it not? Repetition is an essential part of the human learning process. For example, the learning of the multiplication tables takes practice and repetition until the knowledge sinks in. We are not suggesting that the concepts behind your very existence are as rudimentary as the multiplication tables that you learn in grade school, only that the method for retaining the information is similar. The important difference here is that when you are striving to get in touch with who you really are, you are not really learning. You are remembering, and that is an important distinction. You already know who you really are. We are just here to remind you, over and over and over again, until you finally remember.
Is that why it sometimes seems like so much work? And why it takes many, many lifetimes to finally remember who we really are?
Yes, that is correct. In truth, there are only a few basic ideas about the way things work and what your part is, but there is a great deal of resistance to those ideas by your human ego. That is how it should be, of course. That is how everything has been set up. Before you incarnated on the physical plane, you agreed to forget who you really are, an idea that we have shared with you before and will again as we move forward. This “amnesia” that you agreed to is the best way for you to make free choices on the physical plane.
I get that. But why the repetition?
This amnesia you agreed to, while making your experiences on the physical plane real to you, also makes you resistant to ideas that do not coincide with your earthly experience. Repetition of ideas is the best way to break through this cloud of amnesia so that you can remember who you really are.
I have to admit to feeling resistance myself to these kinds of ideas throughout my lifetime. In fact, even though I have been spending a lot of time listening to you talk about these ideas, I often find that while I’m transcribing, I don’t always absorb what you are saying. I write it all down, but sometimes reading it back afterwards, I don’t remember your saying certain things. And even when I do, I can still feel that they have not quite sunk in.
You are mindful, then, of the need for repetition. You have felt for yourself the resistance of your own ego to the ideas that we are discussing with you.
And it is not only ego resistance that is involved. As we have said before, the vibrational frequency of the physical plane is much denser than the vibrational field of non-physical. That pertains not just to objects or the human form, but to thought itself. Most human thought vibrates at a much lower frequency then, say, thoughts of unconditional love. So, these thoughts with higher vibrational frequencies must also have time to accumulate the energy needed to penetrate the density of the earth plane, and that requires persistence and repetition as well.
Are you saying that it is the relatively low vibrational frequency of human thought that must be raised?
That is exactly what we are saying. That is why the repetition of ideas regarding who you really are is so important and necessary. The higher thought frequencies act to raise the frequencies of the lower ideas you currently hold about life on Earth and your part in it. Most of those lower-vibrational ideas are old and entrenched. Some of been around since the beginning of human evolution. But just look at some of the ideas that have come and gone over the course of human evolution. Certainly, the medical field is rife with them. Take the idea of witchcraft. At one time on your planet, it was believed that certain women who possessed intuitive healing powers were witches, and these individuals were sometimes burned at the stake as heretics or devil worshipers. This fear-based idea is one with a particularly low vibration, although there have been many others like it over the course of human history. Eventually, this low-vibrational idea gave way to a higher idea, that these types of individuals possessed healing gifts that should be appreciated and revered. Or at the very least, that these women were no different from any other human person. Of course, not all of the ideas you hold about female persons have evolved to this degree, but this is one example of how an idea can be elevated over time with repetition of higher thought. And it is this process that humans are referring to when they say “they came to accept the idea that…” They came to accept the higher idea due mainly to its repetition. The higher vibration, the vibration of love and compassion, will, in the end, always take precedence. Always.
I think that is enough for now.
Until next time then.
Thank you all.