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Today I would like to talk about money.
Yes. Money. An area of major focus for most human persons during their time on the physical plane.
That’s an understatement. Many people would consider money THE major focus of their lives.
That is almost certainly true. Which is why we would suggest using the words “abundance” and “prosperity” rather than the word “money” during our discussion.
Why is that?
Because the word “money” is so fully charged with personal belief systems, both old and new, many containing judgements about what money is, how important it is, how you never seem to have enough, especially the latter. Human conversations around money almost always center on the LACK of money rather than its plentifulness. So, we would suggest instead using the words abundance and prosperity as they are less loaded terms.
That’s fine with me. So, then, let’s talk a little about abundance and prosperity.
Where would you like to start?
Well, I guess the logical place to start with money would be to ask “how can we open ourselves up to receiving more?”
So, you can see right there in your choice of question that your focus is already on the lack of money and how to get more of it.
Yes, of course. I suppose that focusing on our lack of money is difficult to avoid.
Difficult, but not impossible. The best way to stop focusing so much on your lack of money is to shift your focus to abundance and prosperity.
Which is why you suggested doing that at the start of this conversation.
Indeed. And there is a good reason. Speaking in general terms about anything that you would to create in your life, it is always important to remember that you create what you focus on. Whatever you give your attention to, whether it is something that you want or something that you do NOT want, whatever you give your attention to increases. As you know, this principle is commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction. It means that the Universe will respond to your request for something that you desire based on the thoughts and feelings that you hold around that desire. So, if your mind is constantly focused on your lack of funds, and that is the vibration you are holding, then the Universe will continue to provide you with a lack of funds, because that is where your focus is and that is the vibration you are sending forth. The Universe does not make a distinction between whether or not you want or do not want funds, only where your thoughts are focused. The Universe likewise responds without judgement. It does not assess what is good for you or bad for you, only where you are focused. In a sense, the Universe is similar to a gigantic Xerox machine. Whatever you put in, regardless of the content, that is what manifests.
So, it’s all about where we are putting our attention.
Exactly. Focus and attention are the tools used to manifest what you desire. It is the same in non-physical. We here in non-physical can instantly create what we would like to experience simply by shifting our focus. In fact, you owe your very existence on the physical plane to your own unwavering focus. Part of your higher self is focused on the earth plane, and that is what sustains your physical existence.
Got it. So, getting back to money then, where should our focus be if we desire more money, or should I say, if we desire abundance and prosperity in our lives?
You have basically answered your own question. If you desire more abundance and prosperity in your life, then you must put your focus on abundance and prosperity.
But what if there is no abundance or prosperity in our lives, or we PRECEIVE that there is no abundance or prosperity in our lives.
There is ALWAYS abundance and prosperity in your lives, you simply must look for it. If you can broaden your awareness for just a moment and look beyond the narrow boundaries of your daily life, you will begin to see that abundance and prosperity are all around you. Just look at nature. There is nothing on your planet at the moment that compares with the abundance that is found in nature. Go to a city park, take a hike in the mountains, visit the beach. Once you are in nature, quiet yourself, quiet your mind, and REALLY take a look at what is around you. Look at the ocean. What do you see but an infinite supply of water. In a park, even one tree, with its multitude of branches and leaves, is an example of abundance. Abundance is all around you if you would only take the time to stop and look.
But what does a tree or the ocean have to do with money?
If you can begin to think of money as an aspect of abundance and prosperity, and you begin to look at the world for all of the abundance and prosperity that exists all around you, then you begin to shift your attention away from thoughts of LACK and towards thoughts of abundance. The more you think of abundance, the more you allow your energy field to fill up with the vibration, with the feeling of prosperity, and consequently, more abundance and prosperity will manifest in your life.
You make is sound very simple.
Simple, yes, by design. But not necessarily easy, due in large part to old beliefs about money that no longer serve you. “Money is the root of all evil” to give just one example. To manifest abundance in your life, you must not only focus on abundance, but you must hold that focus and then allow your vibration to match the vibration of abundance. Like attracts like, according to the Law of Attraction, so by holding the vibration of abundance in your field, you cannot help but draw abundance to you. For this to happen, however, you must shed light on your old beliefs about money and then release them. By releasing the old beliefs you hold about money that no longer serve you, you make room for abundance to manifest.
Well, as you said, simple, but not easy. Perhaps we can go into our old beliefs around money next time we tackle this subject. In the meantime, let’s stop for now.
We realize that this is an important topic for all human persons. We are more than happy to revisit this topic any time you wish.
Thank you all.